Sydney Public Transport Information

Sydney has a network of bus, train & ferry.

You can purchase an Opal card which is cheaper or tap your phone which costs more but is more convenient.

Tap on at the beginning of your journey & tap off at the end of your journey using the Opal card or phone. This way you pay only for the distance you travel. Big fines if you cheat the system so beware.

For Bondi Junction, Paddington, the City, Circular Quay, The Rocks, Opera House or Harbour Bridge stay on the 333 or 380 bus all the way, it cheaper this way.

For Edgecliff, Kings Cross, Martin Place, Townhall or Central Station take 333 or 380 bus to Bondi Junction & train from Bondi Junction to your stop.

The 333 & 380 buses go from the beach side of the road, near corner of Campbell & Hall street.

If you need more please ask or go to

I hope this helps

Rich @ Bondi Beach Backpackers